





Endometriosis and Severe acne

As it is known, Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease defined by the presence of extrauterine endometrial glands and stroma. The problem is that this tissue behaves like normal behaves likes normal endometrial tissue-it builds up and breaks down with your menstrual cycle-but can't be shed like normal endometrial tissue during your period.


Generally, the symptoms of endometriosis include pelvic pain, painful intercourse, painful urination, painful bowel movements during your period, several abdominal pain before and after your period, lower back pain and heavy periods or spotting between periods.


However, the condition is asymptomatic in some women, it can cause significant chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia and infertility. Diagnosis requires laparoscopy with pathologic confirmation, or invasive nature of diagnosis often delays recognition and treatment. Currently, treatment options include surgical therapies (ablation or excision of implants), or medical treatment (NSAIDs, oral contraceptives or traditional Chinese medicines). Compared with the other medicine treatments, the Chinese herbal medicines like fuyan pill have become more and more famous for its remarkable effect and no side effect.


The pathogenesis of endometriosis has yet to be definitively established, but it is known that the growth of implants is estrogen-dependent. Previous studies have shown that a single nucleotide polymorphism, that is also associated with severe teenage acne, shared a chromosomal location with c-myc, thought to be a regulator of cellular proliferation in endometriosis.


The present work is the first to prospectively, directly evaluate the relationship between acne and endometriosis. The authors found that severe teenage acne was independently associated with endometriosis after accounting for the effects of known risk factors.


Limitations of the study include potential introduction of bias due to self-reported acne. Additionally, laparoscopic confirmation of endometriosis is not as specific as pathologic confirmation, the gold standard for diagnosis such that it is possible, albeit improbable that the association identified herein applies to visualization of implants but not necessarily endometriosis pathology. Future studies in a more diverse population are needed. Inclusion of women with clinical diagnoses of endometriosis (who lack surgical and/or pathologic confirmation) should be considered, as they comprise a large proportion of affected patients. Further bench work delineating the pathogenesis of endometriosis would provide more insight into teleological explanations for the relationship between acne and endometriosis.


This study evaluated the relationship between self-reported severe acne during teenage years and risk of endometriosis. The primary outcome of interest was laparoscopically-confirmed diagnosed of endometriosis. Women who self-reported severe teenage acne were more likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis. This association remained statistically significant after accounting for history of infertility, hair color and sunburn history, which have demonstrated associations with endometriosis.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Endometriosis/2014/0829/641.html


How to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test?

As many men have the problems of semen, few of them know how to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test. In fact, both examinations are very common in the male check. Then the followings explain how to read semen routine analysis and centrifugal test.
Semen routine analysis-identify male fertility
Because the quality of sperms plays the key role in male fertility, it is suggested to take semen routine analysis before they want to have babies.
Semen analysis items include semen volume, color, viscosity, PH value, liquefying time, agglomeration degree, activity ratio, density and amount, form, leukocyte and erythrocyte etc. Generally, judgment criteria of sperm quality are following: the amount: 2ml; color: light yellow; PH: 7.4; leukocyte: a little; erythrocyte: none. If there is erythrocyte or too much leukocyte in the semen, it is most likely to be caused by inflammation.
Centrifugal test- identify whether there are sperms
When microscope can hardly find any sperm in semen routine analysis, many patients are suggested to take centrifugal test in order to make a definite diagnosis if patients suffer from azoospermatism or severe asthenozoospermia. 
After centrifuging in the centrifugal machine, semen is taken to do microscopic examination. If just 20-25 active sperms can be seen, it will be considered as asthenozoospermia; if there is no sperm after three centrifugations, it will be diagnosed as azoospermatism.
All in all, both examinations aim at male’s semen. If there is no sperm through microscope, centrifugal test will be suggested. Besides, in order to keep the veracity, it is better for men to take masturbation to collect semen.

As we all know that asthenozoospermia has the bad effect on fertility, it is necessary for patients to find out pathogenesis and take the suitable treatment in time. When asthenozoospermia is caused by inflammation of urogenital canal, medicines with the function of clearing inflammation and dispersing blood stasis are needed. For example, the Chinese herbal medicine diuretic anti-inflammatory pill, which is made from pure natural herbs without any side effect, has the remarkable effect on it.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0912/234.html

Brief introduction of four physiological functions of prostate

Prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate is just in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body. This gland is very important. It has close connection with male fertility and urination. Once prostate is affected by infection, not only the physiological functions of prostate can be affected, but also symptoms like painful or difficult urination, pain in the groin, pelvic area or genitals can be experienced by men. 
Since prostate is so important, what do the physiological functions of prostate gland have?
Prostate, as the biggest auxiliary sexual gland of men, is important for men’s reproductive ability. Prostatic fluid discharged by prostate gland is an important component of semen, because it can nourish and transport sperm. The discharge of prostatic fluid is controlled by male hormone.
Urination control
As I mentioned before, the prostate is a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. The prostate gland which is close to bladder neck and around the urethra is a part of the proximal urethra wall. What’s more, by surrounding the urethra with its circular smooth muscle fibers, prostate gland is also a part of urethral sphincter. Therefore, when there is an urge of urinating, with the contraction of detrusor and the relaxation of internal sphincter, urinating happens.

Clinically, there are two ejaculatory ducts passing through the prostate, so when there is ejaculation, with the muscle contraction of prostate and seminal vesicle, the materials in ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicle can be pressed into posterior urethra and then pushed out of body.

Prostate is full of 5α-reductase. This reductase can convert the testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which is more active on physiology. Because dihydrotestosterone plays an important role in the appearance of benign prostatic hyperplasia, to cure the benign prostatic hyperplasia, men need to reduce the production of dihydrotestosterone by stopping the discharge of 5α-reductase.

To sum up, prostate is important for men. Once there is disease on prostate gland, please accept timely treatment. Herbal pill named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is good at treating all kind of prostatitis.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/a/Blog/2014/0913/235.html


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